Emergency and Humanitarian Response and  Preparedness , and Migration Health

The primary and secondary health care system in a number of developing countries, especially those in neighboring countries in crisis situations, has never had the capacity to provide adequate services to their own populations. This is often exacerbated by the influx of refugees, which has resulted in intolerable constraints on facilities that are already poorly equipped and under-trained, and with under-supported staff.


Shine for Health professionals have extensive experience in designing programs in humanitarian settings to improve primary, secondary and tertiary health services for populations affected by epidemics or any crisis, with a focus on prevention, investigation, treatment and management of quality of life.

Shine for Health specialists were part of the relief effort in the war in Darfur (Chad and Sudan), Bangladesh flooding , the humanitarian situation of displaced populations in Zimbabwe, the earthquake and the cholera epidemic in Haiti, and recently the Ebola epidemic in West Africa , to name just a few.

Humanitarian response requires a set of meticulously planned activities that follow international standard laid in OCHA, SPHERE standards, and  standard from other stakeholders..

Migration Health

Shine for Health professionals have experience in Migrant Health, having worked as panel physician for Canada and other embassies to provide pre-departure screen for migrants

We also planned and implemented health screening for migrants before departure in various countries, and during mass wave of population movement during natural and man-made disasters.
When identifying beneficiaries, it is essential to ensure that the health needs of the most vulnerable population of concern and host families, are addressed.

Shine for Health provides clear guidance on standards for health and hygiene, including minimum emergency standards to meet basic and essential needs as well as guidance for phased improvement of health settings that will be necessary as the duration of the crisis or the displacement prolongs.