Research, health education and communication


Population based decision making takes into account complex inputs, with every community having its own characteristics. In the past decade, talks about evidence based decision making have gained much attention. There has been an increased focus on evidence-based public health (EBPH), with proven direct and indirect benefits. “Evidence-based public health is the process of integrating science based interventions with community preferences to improve the health of populations.” (Kohatsu ND, Robinson JG, Torner JC. Evidence-based public health: an evolving concept. Am J Prev Med. 2004 Dec;27(5):417-21. 3)

Shine for Health also recognized that while well-established communities and countries can fully implement the evidence-based concept, communities and systems in some parts of the world have not been tested or have not defined, “their evidence” on specific projects.  However, development programs need to be implemented in order to improve quality of life of the population. Evidence-based programs or projects in one part of the world, might not necessary be “evidence based” in other parts.

In order to gain better understanding of the context where projects and behavior takes places, and of the people involved in design and implementation, Shine4Health researches and reviews health project, taking into account feedback and inputs from key internal/external stakeholders, including country, technical teams and donors/partners
Shine4Health designs and manages research studies, facility assessments and operational research on health and diseases taking into account cultural and social norm, community organization; perceptions, and resilience and current practices; routine activities, genders and power dynamics, formal and informal communication channel etc.


Shine4Health helps programs ensure that clear communication and effective coordination with communities, ministries, country management and health program teams, as well as the Health Technical Unit.

We work with creative teams to develop simple, innovative and creative health promotion and education packages to be delivered in programs sites.